Wednesday, January 9, 2008

No Compromise

There arent too many things in life that get me really really really frustrated. BUT this is one of them. This bumper sticker i have seen heaps and heaps around lately on people's cars. i have also been seeing things in my life, like chinese 'good luck' stuff, fortune cookies, astrology etc etc. this stuff is a 'normal' part of everyday life. i think what frustrates me the most is that this stuff is not from God. magic doesnt happen, astrology is a bunch of rubbish where someone decided they could put everyone in this world into 12 different categories and tell them how their life is going to be that month. luck is for pagans! (TWC people will get that one!). so why do i see so many Christians around thriving on stuff like horoscopes and fortune cookies? hasnt God called us to live a life of no compromise. when we compromise the little things, its only a matter of time before we start compromising the big stuff. and why do we put ourselves in this spot? i dont know. my mum, whom i love dearly is often a bit 'oh ok, whatever. everyone is different and we have to respect what they believe". i have a level of respect for everyone on this planet, but i dont believe that respect means that we go along with what they believe or we accept what they believe!!! One thing i have learnt is you can respect someone, without respecting their lifestyle and their choices.
I remember reading recently in John about Jesus overturning the tables in the temple because people had turned the place of worship into something that it shouldnt have been. I want to be more like Jesus. i want to speak up against the stuff that i dont believe in. I dont want to offend people but a Christian life always comes with having to offend people every now and then. I want to be that person that isnt afraid to speak up!!!!!!!
I know this stuff that i have mentioned seems a bit trivial, but it is whats on my heart now.... sorry i havent blogged in awhile. i dont really have any motivation to blog, cuz i dont know whether ppl actually read it.