Thursday, April 24, 2008


For those people who are overseas, they might not know why we get a holiday called ANZAC day.... basically anzac day is for us to remember the troops that have fought in war. i am just excited that i get a day off to rest and sleep in etc.

I have noticed that for my whole life i have had this apathetic spirit towards anzac day and the people the fought in the war. the bible says there is a time for war and for peace. but i dont understand war, nor do i agree with it happening. i think thats why i have such an apathetic spirit. i mean is it really necessary to go take a bunch of guns and bopmbs and go kill people from other countries...

all i know, is i have a day of work and thats good.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

So sorry for not blogging!!!!

Back to the blogging.... my life is super, crazy busy, i dont even have time to just sit and do absolutely nothing.... oh wait, doing that tonight! yay! nah but my life is crazy. i am getting married in less than 5 months.... argghhhh sooooo weird to think that i am gonna be a married woman soon! anywayz onto my blog....

I felt inspired to blog tonight. i watched this movie called 'Amber's story'. such a beautiful movie, it made me cry. in 1996, Amber, aged 9 was riding her bike around and got kidnapped from her bike by a man. they had no leads, an eye witness who had real bad sight, so he didnt really see anything and 4 days later, found her murdered on a creek bed. this is based on a true story if u didnt get that.

Then Amber's mother worked hard to impliment this emergency broadcast system called Amber Alert. when a child has been abducted, within an hr or so, an amber alert is sent out all across the state to police and on news and radio etc. so that this child can be found as soon as possible and hopefully not dead. her mother worked so hard that it is now implemented into all 50 states across america. they even showed a story of how the amber alert saved a child's life.

what touched me so much about this story is that at first, i was soooo angry that someone could murder such an innocent child (Amber). by the end, i was in tears just so touched at how because 1 life was taken so horribly, many lives have been saved thanks to the family of Amber. It's so beautiful. as crappy as it is that one innocent life was taken so horribly, many others are getting saved as a result.

i so admire the courage of Amber's mother and how she can turn the worst tragedy of her life into something so amazing. I hope that i continue to grow in courage.