Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sooo Monday night i was hanging out (really late!) with Marnie, the new officer at Xculture.we were hanging out in her kitchen and she told me this really cool analogy. its about boxes. and how often we can put people in boxes which doesnt leave room for them to grow. i was talking about my patience and my dads patience being very little and she was saying how i just put us in a box and havent allowed us to grow. (it was along those lines).

so it got me thinking about myself. and how people view me? so i am curious... how do people view me? think about it... how do u view me? I feel as though so many people (esp from back home) sees me as some netball chick. some chick who loves to play sport, who is just one of the guys. someone who is fun to hang out with. but to me, these are all boxes. while this stuff is good, there is sooo much more to me and i am ready to step out of those boxes and show ppl that i am an amazing woman of God!

if you told me i was a woman a yr ago, i would have laughed in your face. but now i want people to see me as a gentle, amazing woman of God who has sooo much to offer. who is not just good at sports, but is a good listener, good encourager, a prayer warrior, someone who is bold, someone who can lead, someone who people can look up to! thats who i want to be seen as... i am sick of ppl just thinking i am sporty and not much else. i am ready to step into the fullness that God has for me and that means growing up!

Pete (Marnie's husband) gave me some good advice tonight. about how all my life i have probably been stooping to people's levels of me, but now its time to rise to my expectations (prob not the best word but u understand) and live on the level that i want to and what God has called me to. and thats what i am gonna do... so if u think i am just some fun, sporty, netball chick... THINK AGAIN. i am a woman of God, a mighty woman of God.


Anonymous said...

HELLOOOOO ever scince i met u i have looked up 2 u!!!
Luv sarah

Stephanie said...

Amen Lisa, very amen. My thoughts exactly (all of it), only your words :)