Thursday, February 8, 2007

Bit of a rough week,

Well as some of you know, i have had a bit of a rough week. Probably have to say its been one of the roughest of my life. On Sunday night got hassled by this guy at the bus stop big time. like he wouldnt leave me alone. i was very scared and stuff. so it put alot of fear on me and i think i received some of the fear, i didnt just let it brush off me. so i have been battling that all week. on Tuesday night, i couldnt even do street combat, just because i was scared to talk to people, so thats been my battle. another battle has been sickness. i have had a cold since sunday night and have been pretty sick.
Also havent been sleeping very well at all. I think the event on sunday night really affected me, so its been affecting my sleep.
I guess the hardest thing for me has been learning that my good friend from uni Denneil passed away on Sunday. I only found out yesterday afternoon ( wednesday afternoon) and it hit me really hard. i have never lost anyone in my life before, so its been hard for me. She was only 20 and married for only 2 months. above is a picture of her. but this is my little tribute to Denneil, so i am going to say just a bit bout her here....
She devoted 20 years of her life to God. never once did she turn away and never once did she ever 2nd guess God. she always knew he reigned. She was the best example in my life of how a Christian is supposed to live. she was one of the most godly women i know. In 2005 when i met her, we had all our classes for uni together and seeing her always brightened my day. any time I needed more joy, the joy in her life would just rub off onto me. she was always there when i needed to talk to her and there to just be my friend and hug me when i needed a hug. I think one of the most important things for me was after this year in Canada seeing Denneil and showing her that i turned into the beautiful woman of God that she always saw me to be. She always saw me in a way that i am starting to see myself and she has helped me grow to that woman. So Denneil. know that i love u soooo much and you have definitely made a huge impact on my life and i know you have touched sooo many other ppl's lives as well.
Last night, i was sitting here just listening to music and thinking about Denneil and just how much i am going to miss her and i was wondering what it would have been like to see her after my year here and i can only think of the words that she would have said and thats " i am so proud of u". But you know what, i know she is looking down on me from heaven saying that anyway. so Denneil i love you heaps and will miss u heaps.
Looking back on this week is tough.... but i am not hopeless. i know i am going to get through this. I have hope. I am just going through the grieving process... so i am sorry for people who have to put up with all of my tears and moods and emotions, but please just give me some time to deal with this how i need to and want to deal with this.
I think i will finish the post now that i am crying again!!! but know that I love you all!!!

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