Thursday, March 22, 2007

2 wrongs dont make a right

So i am sure everyone heard this saying, especially when they were a kid. my parents always said it to me, but its only been in the past 3 yrs that i have really been thinking about what this means and yesterday it came up again. In cell, we got onto the topic of capital punishment. now i think capital punishment is wrong. i have come to this conclusion not only on m own opinion, but i believe its biblical as well.

in Exodus, the 10 commandments were written and about the 7th one says 'Do not murder'. the definition of murder to me is taking someone else's life. so capital punishment is murder because we are taking what i believe belongs to God ( whether someone lives or dies) and using our free will.

now where does the 2 wrongs dont make a right come in? in cell, someone said that if someone else goes and murders and innocent child or something, they should be put to death. but i fully believe that 2 wrongs dont make a right. 2 murders doesnt make the situation right. in Romans 12:19 it quotes a verse from Deut 32:35 which says " do not take revenge my friends but leave room for God's wrath. For it is written 'it is mine to avenge, i will repay', says the Lord."

so how does murdering another human being leave room for God's wrath. we r taking matters into our own hands. so in saying that, i think capital punishment is wrong!! what does everyone else think???

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

2 wrongs don't make a right... but two negatives do make a positive - two minus negative two is four...

We were talking about this a few weeks ago - the Australians vs the Jamaican. Kingsley is all for capital punishment, and Fiona (Hailes) is against. And so am I :) But I have conditions - like if capital punishment is the lawful punishment for something, and someone gets justly convicted, then in most cases it is denying justice to the victim if you ignore the law, and let them off. Cos you have no right to let them off the stated punishment for their crime - we can't forgive things for other people cos we're not God, but God has put people (Governments etc) in charge of us, and has told us we need to obey the law of the land (and if we don't, we will suffer the consequences).
But I don't think capital punishment is the best answer, so while it's the law it should be followed only when absolutely necessary. Maybe try to get alternative laws passed?

We live in a fallen world. Things suck. Ideally there would be no need for capital punishment at all, but until that day comes, we have to live with getting paler shades of grey while working towards perfection.

Short version: Australia rules - we got rid of capital punishment ages ago, yay us :)

But then, you have all the fun packed "what if's" - what if you have a compulsive killer and you use any other form of punishment except capital punishment? Like imprisoning him to stop him killing people? And he just escapes and starts killing people some more? It's true that 2 wrongs don't make a right, but in this case it could've stopped all those other people from being killed. You say, if he's alive, Jesus can redeem him etc - he has a chance to repent. And this is true, it is possible, but what about his victims? Where is their chance to repent? He's using his free will to take away other people's chances...

And what if (leaving room for)God's wrath involves his punishment coming through the law of capital punishment? God can use us flawed people to bless others, and to speak his word; what makes anyone think he couldn't use our flawed laws to implement his justice? I know it's Old Testament, but Sodom and Gomorrah? Did God do an injustice? Couldn't he have put the lot of them into a correctional facility? And Ananias and Sapphira? Killed for lying? I think human capital punishment laws are far less severe than God's.

What, you thought I could resolve the capital punishment debate in one comment (long though it is)? Not likely... the fun never stops... :)

I should stop talking and go do my assignment... I wonder if comments are allowed to be this long...

Hi Lisa! Hope Vancouver is good :)