Friday, March 30, 2007

Legalistic or just following the rules?

hey everyone,
this is one where i need people's opinions. i am curious as to see what people think. so we have this rule at war college where we arent allowed junk food during the week. and i got really convicted of not following that rule so this week is my 1st week of actually following that rule. cuz i mean, a rule is a rule right?

so its friday morning, early morning ( 2:12am to be exact) and i had one of those foot long fruit roll thingys and i opened it and i am like "wait a minute, this is junk food isnt it?" to one of my session mates and she is like "yeah but u can have junk food on fridays" and i am like "yeah but after we finished fasting, then we can have junk food" ( technically the start of our weekend is 3:00 when we finish fasting). and she is like " but its friday and you are allowed junk food." and i am like " not yet, only at 3:00, cuz thats what the rule says" and then said ( i think kinda half jokingly) "ok if u wanna be all legalistic about it".

i dont think i am being legalistic, i think i am just following the rule. cuz i am intentionally breaking the rule and being very aware of it, and i havent got a reason to. just cuz i have some junk food in my hand doesnt mean i should eat it. there is a fine line between legalism and breaking rules. and i think too often we call following rules legalism and we call legalism following the rules. how do u know where that line is?

so what do u guys say... was i being legalistic or was i just following the rule?

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