Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Satan is a retard

well i had a really crappy week last week. it just didnt go so well and that really sucks. but do u know what? i allowed some of the stuff to happen because i felt as though Satan had a field day with me. last week at Cariboo, i think i posted bout this, but Heather pointed out a fear of failure in me and that i needed to deal with that fear of failure. so i am like sweet i will.

but last week, i did not deal with it. instead i let satan walk all over me and he pointed out many areas where i have failed, so it was hard cuz i felt like a bit of a failure, but i shouldnt have. its pretty stupid.

but on Sunday night, i went to Cariboo and had a pretty great night at Cariboo. we watched the whipping scene from passion of the Christ. well ppl that didnt want to watch it went into another room and just prayed. that was me. there was about 7 ppl that were in the room and just prayed. i had an amazing night cuz God spoke to me in a huge way, i to pray over like 2 ppl and speak sooo many words of wisdom into their lives and i even got prayer. so it was an amazing night, cuz i also got to work in my giftings by interceeding for ppl which was cool.

but God just kept telling me over and over that i was worth it and i am worthy and it was cool. i got prayer cuz i was feeling guilty cuz of some stuff, so i got some prayer off someone at Cariboo and that was really cool as well. so i had a good night.

on a not so good note, found out today that Holly ( my roommate) has to go home cuz her mum only has a few weeks to live, so i am really upset about that. bout her mum dying and bout losing my roommate. its funny how God works, cuz out of everyone in the session, i am the one that hates being alone and wants to always be round ppl, so its gonna be a huge stretch for me to be alone. so please send some prayers up for holly and her family.

1 comment:

Denise said...

You are not alone. You are never alone. ;)